Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Field Research - Berry Plastics

 One of the things I have been doing a lot of over these first few weeks back to the hobby is going out and doing some research in the area that I intend to model.  One area I found on Google Maps that looked interesting is Berry Plastics in Tolleson AZ.  I am pretty sure that this specific industry was not around in the early/mid 1990s but that does not mean there is not a lot of good modeling references to be had.

The over-head piping for off-loading the cars is a neat detail.

Both the industrial siding and the switch lead are paved up to track level.  Makes me wonder if at one time they off-loaded from both tracks.

I was going back trough my old photos on my computer and it turns out I had researched this same industry in 2007.  That was the last time I was serious about model railroading and I had the same basic plan in my head back then.  I had forgotten all about these pictures.  Turns out things have not changed much in 13 years.

I know that some of these details will make it into my layout.  Plastics manufacturing is a big deal on this line so I will have a couple of industries like this.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Weathering Technique Reference #1

 Soon I will be able to start some modeling projects for the MRR and I have been watching some tutorials on YouTube.  As I find interesting videos I will most them here for future reference and for anyone else who has interest.

This video showcases some products and techniques i have never used but look good.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Railroad Requirements Document

 In my day job we have to create what is called a BRD, or business requirements documents, for large projects.  It is a vital tool for keeping a project on track.  For the model railroad I feel I need something similar - the RRD, railroad requirements document.  The purpose of the document is to establish the framework by which the project will be guided and judged for completeness and success.  As a project progresses new ideas will inevitably pop up but before action is taken on these new ideas they must be measured against the RRD to ensure they are driving towards the project goals.  Here are my requirements for my model railroad.

  • Operational style - The layout will be a point to point switching layout with the option for continuous running.
  • Layout style - The layout will be a walkaround island style.  The two sides of the layout will be separated by a backdrop divider.
  • Model Period and Location - model is set in the Southern Pacific Phoenix sub-division between 1989 and 1995.
  • Power and Control - The layout will use Digitrax DCC for control.  Power boost will be added as needed.  A separate power source will be provided for AC power.  Track feeders will be installed periodically to ensure power to the tracks.  
  • Benchwork - The benchwork needs to be lightweight and modular.  The surface will be high density foamboard. 
  • Track - The layout will use code 83 flex-track for the permanent track.  Code 100 sectional track can be used in the prototype and planning phases for proof of concept work.
  • Rolling stock - All rolling stock will have metal wheels, kaydee couplers, and be properly weighted and adjusted.
  • Motive Power - Southern Pacific 4 axle EMD power as primary.  Limited use of leased power or Rio Grande power per the modeled period.
  • Industries that can be included - cement, lumber, plastic product manufacturing, paper product manufacturing, logistics centers, oil and fuel suppliers, grain and flower processing, food distribution and manufacturing, fertilizer manufacturer and distribution, chemical manufacturing
  • Industry size - Industries should be able to handle 2 cars minimum of the standard car for that industry and a maximum of 4 standard cars for that industry.  The exception is when the standard car for an industry in 40' or less then the max is increased to 6 cars.
  • Industry density - Each modular section pf the railroad can have no more than 2 rail served industries and it is preferred to have only one.  Inclusion of section without an industries is also preferred (negative space).
I think this is enough to get me started.  These are meant to be high level requirements and not the detailed design.  That comes later.  This should help keep me focused.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Plans and Ideas for 2021

 With the new year I like to document some broad plans and ideas for the year ahead.  This (theoretically) helps keep me focused on a goal(s) and minimizes distractions. The reality is things rarely work out as we plan but its a good idea to keep some landmarks in sight.  I will do quarterly posts to review my progress and remind myself what I am working towards.


This is the easiest item on the list and mostly involves going out to the tracks and the industrial sites an documenting what is there today and what might have been there in the past.  It also involves internet and more conventional book research.  I have acquired a copy of the Phoenix Sub-Division SPINS book from around 1984.  This is about 5 years earlier than the start of my modeling period (I'm doing 1989-1995) but most of the track and industries were still there in my period.  This reference also has interesting operational notes for some of the customers that will enhance my operations.  The fact is, I have already completed the majority of the research needed to get started.


This is the phase I will be most focused on for the next several weeks.  I will be moving into a new house in the next couple of weeks so much of the plan for the physical layout will have to wait until I have determined how much space is available.  I will start by making my own spins diagram of what I would like to include on the layout.  This part is also important for helping me set limits and a direction to my hobby purchases.  It is important for me to not buy things I do not need or have no plans to use.


I have already spent a good deal of money in my first month back to the hobby and I have made good progress to setting the foundation.  Going forward the purchases should be more focused and based on the principles I have laid out in my earlier posts.  I think I have completed my motive power collection.  I may spend some money on refurbing or enhancing these engines but I don't need any more.  Some car types that I need are also just about at the right number.  I need to switch my purchase focus to other types and that may need to wait until the plan is more fully formed.  For now I have a good start on the rolling stock.  Track and benchwork will be the large areas of expenditure for the year.  I will start with EZ track to allow me to experiment easily with track layouts and ideas.  Initially I am not concerned with a permanent layout but rather something that is flexible and easily moved.

Modeling and Painting

I have several freight car kits collected and I plan to spend a lot of time assembling these kits.  I also have several undecorated so I will be painting and decaling these.  Most of the collection will need upgrades to wheels and several need couplers replaced.  I need to learn about how to properly configure and adjust the cars and couplers for the best running.  This is something that will be all new to me. Most of the cars will need weathering of some sort.  It has been close to 30 years since I have worked on these kinds of modeling and painting projects and I am excited to bring my experience in painting wargaming miniatures to this hobby.  I know a lot more about how to do this now than I did the last time.  I expect this year I will have a chance to model one or more of my planned industries.  This might just be a kit or maybe a kit-bash of some sort.  I am also thinking about some scratch builds using foam-core and color printed façades. 

I think this is enough stuff to keep me busy for the year.  I really want to make some measurable progress this year.  I have been following some great hobbyists on YouTube and I have seen that it is possible to get something working and looking great in just a few months.  I will be sharing some of my favorites on the blog as I go along.  I am really looking forward to getting this going.

2023 Year in Review and Looking Ahead to 2024

  The New Year brings and opportunity to look back on the old year and reflect on how things have gone, and perhaps, learn some lessons that...